Let’s Get Some Things Straight: Common Questions About Invisalign

October 13, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drnewman @ 11:34 pm
Dentist smiles

Invisalign is a fairly new orthodontic method, but it has quickly grown in popularity because it can realign a smile without the dietary restrictions or conspicuous metal parts that come with traditional braces. As this treatment becomes more common, many people have questions about how the process works. Here are the answers to a few commonly asked questions about Invisalign treatments.

Does Invisalign Hurt?

Any process of moving the teeth into new positions is going to result in some soreness and sensitivity. During your first week of wearing Invisalign, you may develop sore spots on your cheeks or gums. The good news is that this first week is going to be the worst one, and your treatment will only become more comfortable as time goes on. Soon enough, you will hardly notice any soreness. You may experience additional discomfort when you switch to the next set of trays afterward, but you’ll get used to this. Many patients only switch to new trays before bed so they can sleep through this mild soreness.

How Much Do I Have to Wear Invisalign Every Day?

You should wear your Invisalign clear aligners for a minimum of twenty-two hours every day. Not wearing your aligners for a sufficient amount of time daily can cause significant and potentially costly delays in your treatment. You should only remove your aligners when performing oral hygiene, eating, and drinking anything besides water, and it is crucial that you clean your teeth and your aligners thoroughly before you put them back in. Neglecting to clean them can cause discoloration of your teeth or aligners, and food trapped between them can lead to tooth decay.

How Noticeable Are Invisalign Clear Aligners?

When compared to conventional braces, Invisalign is virtually invisible. Passers-by may notice that you have a slightly shiny look about your teeth, but they’ll have to be paying very close attention to see it. However, you can expect a bit of a learning curve when it comes to speaking with Invisalign. You may speak with a lisp while you are getting used to wearing them, but most people are speaking normally again within a week. You can speed up this process by practicing difficult words when it is socially appropriate to do so.

Invisalign is an excellent way to realign a smile, and patients often find that it is much more convenient and comfortable than traditional braces. Consulting with your dentist can determine if Invisalign is the right orthodontic solution for you.

About the Author

Dr. Ira Newman earned his dental degree from Emory University School of Dentistry and completed a one-year residency at NYU College of Dentistry/Bellevue Hospital Center. He has since trained at the prestigious Dawson Center for Advanced Dentistry and the Spear Center for Clinical Excellence. His office in New York, NY offers general, cosmetic, restorative, and emergency dentistry in addition to Invisalign treatments. If you have any more questions about Invisalign, contact the office online or dial (212) 924-6890.

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